4 brilliant ideas for a successful preschool classroom christmas party
Oh you need some preschool classroom christmas party ideas? Don’t mind if I do! Christmas in the classroom is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE! I love the themes, the magic and honestly, I kind of love the excited chaos! It really is the most wonderful time of the year because we celebrate the birth of Jesus and […]
Help! I didn’t enforce important classroom routines and procedures! Now what?
If you’ve been in the classroom for any amount of time you know how important classroom routines and procedures are! They are the foundation for a successful classroom! Maybe you DIDN’T know this when you went into the classroom and now you feel like your classroom is a constant state of chaos! Maybe you don’t […]
The Amazing Power of Creating a Daily Routine in the Classroom
Did you know there’s actually science behind the importance of daily routine in the classroom? The brain is an absolutely amazing organ. It is so cool to see how powerful yet delicate and intricate the brain is! Such a beautiful visual of a powerful God that created us. Ok, I’m going to get nerdy […]
Exciting summer ideas for preschool classroom fun you have to try this year

Are you in need of some summer ideas for preschool classroom? I’ve got you covered! A summer program can be hard! You have just come through 8 months of regular school and now heading into summer you feel like you are running on fumes! It’s time to switch things up! But first lets change our […]
You actually need routine and procedures for a happy, healthy classroom… here’s why!

There was a time when routine and procedures were non-existent in my classroom. Where are my “wingers” at? You know, you fly by the seat of your pants, make your lesson plans on the way to school, thrive on spontaneity…That’s me, I’m a “winger”. The last minute is my best friend! We get along so […]
3 must-do’s to remember when introducing a flawless classroom routine

No matter what age you teach, classroom routine is KEY to success in a classroom! Classroom management, productivity, sanity, and happiness for everyone can come back to the routines we set up and enforce at the beginning of the year. When I was in college, there was a saying that one of my professors used […]
Reasons why you need to build positive relationships in the classroom

Yes, it’s necessary to have positive relationships in the classroom Have you had an administrator say, “Work on building positive relationships in the classroom.” I know this seems like a cop out answer when talking about addressing behaviors in the classroom. I’m not even going to say that having strong relationships will fix everything but…I […]
5 Fantastic Activities for first day of preschool

Planning activities for first day of preschool can be a rollercoaster! We want them to have fun, but also not get too crazy. There are a million procedures they need to learn. We have to plan for the student that is ready to do the dang thing! And plan for the student that is going […]